Wednesday, January 14, 2009

At the beginning of the month, I received one of those email forwards that you fill out and send to all your friends. Since I was at work and needed a distraction (like always), I started filling it out. I got to "Three things you are looking forward to" and found that I wasn't really looking forward to anything this year. That totally depressed me, so I've been trying to think of new, fun things to do this year. Last year I went on a cruise to Alaska, the year before I got married, and before that I was in school, so I could always look forward to summer vacation no matter what else was planned. This year, though, I found myself really sad and morose (word of the day), so here's what I've come up with to look forward to.
1. New Book Club - starts in February - can't wait!
2. Choosing our mini-vacation out of a hat (Buddy and I are each going to list 5 places we want to go and then draw one of them out of the hat (maybe 2) and just go)!
3. Stained glass class

I'm hoping these help with the winter blues that I always face this time of year. Somehow, whenever January comes around, I find myself sinking into this pit of despair. I don't know if it's the cold, the gray, or just the fact that I have another year behind me, but it's pretty sad.

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