Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So, the new event for January was the hockey game. Buddy and I went this past weekend to see the Stingrays play. I had never been to a hockey game before, so I was expecting something like the Mighty Ducks. I was completely shocked when the "fighting" that I expected turned out to be nothing like I expected. I was expecting just normal fighting that happens with games that the refs break up and the game keeps going. I was astonished when I saw that "fighting" in adult hockey is really just a brawl that is totally barbaric and the guys just beat each other up...and everyone watches and cheers. I felt a little sick to my stomach after watching it.....while I completely understand the need to hit things...I thought that hockey in an of itself with all of the wall slamming and "checking" was enough hitting....where does the desire to just beat the snot out each come from??? Other than that...the hockey game was fun. I think we might go back in February for Pink in the Rink night :)

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